Cisco Phone: Make and Answer Calls (Single Lined Phones)


Guide Topic

Your phone works like a regular phone. For example, you can make an outgoing call or answer an incoming call through the phone.

Single Line Phones

This is for phones that only have one phone number (line) attached.

Make a Call

You have different ways to make a call. For example, you can use your phone just like any other regular phones, use your speakerphone or headset for hands-free calling, or press a button to use a feature available on the phone.

Choose either of the following methods to make a call based on your convenience.

  1. Do one of the following actions:
    • On the home screen, enter a phone number using the phone keypad, and press Call.
    • Enter a number, and pick up the handset.
    • Enter a number, and press Speakerphone.
      • Keep in mind that the people around you might be able to hear your call too.
    • Plug in a headset, press Headset, and enter a number using the phone keypad.
    • Select Call and do either of the following:
      • Type a contact name or phone number in the search bar to find the contact from the Directories tab, and press Call.
      • Select a call history from the Recents tab to call back.
    • Pick up the handset, press Speakerphone, or press Headset, and make a call.
  2. (Optional) If you want to make a new call to another person during the current active call, select New call.
    1. This action puts the current active call on hold automatically.3             
  3. (Optional) If you want to return to the home screen during an active call, Select More (…)Home.
  4. Select End call when you finish the call.

Use Call Back

If you find that the person you called is busy or doesn't answer your call, you can choose to be notified with a special ringtone and a notification message later when the person is available.

  1. When you are making a call to a person, select Call back.
  2. (Optional) In the next screen, do one of the following actions:
    • Select Cancel to deactivate the call back, and then select Exit to exit the confirmation screen.
    • Select Exit to exit the conformation screen directly. In this case, the call back is still activated.
  3. When the person is available, you will hear the ringtone and see the message, locate and select Call back softkey or soft button from the phone home screen, and then select Dial to make the call again.
  4. If you don't exit the conformation screen previously, the Dial softkey or soft button appears automatically when the person is available. In this case, select Dial to make the call again.

Make an Emergency Call

Use your phone to make an emergency call, similar to any other call. When you dial the emergency number, your emergency services get your phone number and location so that they can assist you.

If your call disconnects, the emergency services can call you back.

  1. Press the Red button on the upper right edge of your phone


  1. Call TCCD Police at 817-515-8911

Answer a Call

Single Incoming Call

You can answer an incoming call with the phone handset, the phone speaker, or the connected headset.

  1. When prompted with an incoming call, do one of these actions to answer it:
    • Select Answer to answer the call.
    • Lift the phone handset to answer the call with the handset.
    • Press Speakerphone to answer a call with the phone speaker.
      • Keep in mind that the people around you might be able to hear your call too.
    • Press Headset to answer a call with the connected headset.
  2. Select End call when you finish the call.
  • An "in-call" screen shows the following information of the contact:
    • Contact name (if configured)
    • Contact number
    • Call duration
  • Press the VolumeThe volume buttons button to adjust the ringtone or volume of the call.
  • (Optional) If you want to make a new call to another person during the current active call, select New call.
    • This action puts the current active call on hold automatically.
  • (Optional) If you want to return to the home screen during an active call, Select More (…) > Home.

Single Line with Multiple Calls

When your line receives multiple calls at the same time, the calls list displays, and it shows the status for each call. You can choose to answer one of the incoming calls from the calls list.

When your line receives incoming calls, the LED lights are flashing amber.

By default, the line can have up to 2 calls at the same time. If you want to change the maximum number, consult your administrator.

  1. Use the Navigation Cluster button to select an incoming call that you want to answer from the calls list.
  2. Do one of the these actions:
    1. Select Answer to answer the call with the pre-specified audio path.
    2. Lift the phone handset to answer the call with the handset.
    3. Press Headset to answer a call with the connected headset.
      • If there are more than one headset connected, the last connected one is used as the active audio path.
    4. Press Speakerphone key to answer a call with the phone speaker.
      • Keep in mind that the people around you might be able to hear your call too.
    • If an active call is ongoing, you can't directly answer an incoming call by lifting the handset, or by pressing the Headset the Headset key or Speakerphone the Speaker key.
  3. (Optional) If you want to make a new call to another person during the current active call, select New call.
    1. This action puts the current active call on hold automatically.
  4. (Optional) If you want to return to the home screen during an active call, do the following:
    1. Select More (…) > Home. To return to the calls list, you can press the line key.
  5. Select End call or when you finish the call.

Multiple Lines with Multiple Calls

When your phone receives multiple incoming calls at the same time, you can view the calls list (All calls (n)) that contains all of the current calls from all of your phone lines. The calls list can include different types of calls, for example, active calls, incoming calls, and held calls.

The calls in the list are sorted in chronological order (from oldest to newest). According to your phone setting, the calls can also be grouped by each line. On the calls list, you have the option to answer an incoming call.

When your phone receives incoming calls, the LED lights flash amber.

  1. On the calls list, select the incoming call that you want to answer.
    • When the calls are grouped, you can also select a call from the relevant group by pressing the same line key repeatedly. The selection goes in a loop in the group.
    • According to your administrator's configuration, each line can have maximum of 10 calls at the same time. If you want to change the maximum number, consult your administrator.
  2. Do one of the these actions:
    • Select Answer to answer the call with the pre-specified audio path.
      • If you are on an active call, the button is Hold & Answer instead. You can select it to hold the current active call and answer the incoming call.
    • Lift the phone handset to answer the call with the handset.
    • Press Headset to answer a call with the connected headset.
      • If there are more than one headset connected, the last connected one is used as the active audio path.
    • Press Speakerphone to answer a call with the phone speaker.
      • Keep in mind that the people around you might be able to hear your call too.
  • If an active call is ongoing, you can't directly answer an incoming call by lifting the handset, or by pressing the Headset the Headset key or Speakerphone the Speaker key.
  • (Optional) If you want to make a new call to another person during the current active call, select New call.
    1. This action puts the current active call on hold automatically.
    2. If you want to make a call when your line receives multiple incoming calls, you need to return to the home screen first, and then make a call.
  • (Optional) If you want to return to the home screen during an active call, do the following:
    • Select More (…) > Home.
    • To return to the calls list, you can press a line key.
    • If you press the primary line, the calls are sorted in chronological order, with the oldest incoming call selected. To view the calls grouped by line, select More (…) > Group on. To view the calls in chronological order again, select Group off.
    • This feature is available only for the primary line. If you press any of the other lines, the calls are grouped by line and are sorted in chronological order, with the oldest non-silenced incoming call selected in the group.
    • To return to the calls list, you can tap your line or the calls bar.
    • To view the calls grouped by line, toggle on Sort by line. To view the calls in chronological order, toggle off it.
  1. Select End call when you finish the call.

Decline a Call

When prompted with an incoming call, you can decline it by sending a ringing call to your voicemail system (if configured). 

Single incoming call

  1. When prompted with an incoming call select Decline.

Multiple incoming calls

When your phone receives multiple calls at the same time, the calls list displays the status for each call and the LED lights flash amber color. You can decline incoming calls on the calls list.

Do the following actions:

  1. Select a line.
  2. Select an incoming call from the calls list by using the navigation button.
  3. Press Decline.

​​​​​​​Calls that require authorization code or client matter code

Your administrator may require that you enter an authorization code or a client matter code, or both, after you dial a phone number. The authorization code, called Forced Authorization Code (FAC), controls access to certain phone numbers. The Client Matter Code (CMC) , also called as billing code, is used for accounting or billing purposes.

  • When an authorization code is required, the phone displays Authorization code, followed by #, your entered number is hidden by dots for security reasons, and you hear a special tone.

    If you want to check the code that you entered, press Show PWD

  • When a billing code is required, the phone displays Client matter code, followed by # and you hear a special tone.
  • When both a billing code and an authorization code are required, you are prompted for the authorization code first. Then you are prompted for the billing code.