Moving from Proctorio to Respondus Lockdown Browser - New Quizzes

How To...

Change the Proctoring software being used on tests in your course from Proctorio to Respondus Lockdown Browser & Respondus Monitor.

Steps To Implement

Access the course you would like to remove Proctorio from
Navigate to "Settings" on the course navigation menu
An image showing the userselecting the "Settings" option on their course navigation menu.
Navigate to the "Navigation" tab
An image showing the user selecting the "Navigation" tab on the settings.
Enable "Lockdown Browser" and "Secure Exam Proctor (Proctorio)"
Click on the "Save" button at the bottom left of the page
An image showing the user enabling the "LockDown Browser" application, and clicking on the "Save" button to push the change through.
Navigate to the "Secure Exam Proctor" link on your course navigation menu to log in to the browser extension
An image showing the user selecting the "Secure Exam Proctor (Proctorio)" link on their course navigation menu and receiving a message that the Extension is installed.
Navigate to the "Quizzes" area
An image showing the user selecting the "Quizzes" link on their course navigation menu.
Click on the name of the quiz you would like to remove Proctorio from
An image showing the user selecting the name of a New Quiz in the Quizzes area.
Click on the "Build" button at the bottom right of the page
An image showing the user selecting the "Build" button.
Navigate to the "Settings" tab
An image showing the user selecting the "Settings" tab in the New Quiz.
Turn the "Enable Proctorio" option off
An image showing the user selecting the "Enable Proctorio" option for their New Quiz.
Click on the "Return" button at the top right of the page
An image showing the user selecting the "Return" button to navigate back to Canvas.
Navigate to "Lockdown Browser" on the course navigation menu
An image showing the user selecting the "LockDown Browser" link on their course navigation menu
Select the down arrow listed to the left of the name of the quiz you would like to add Lockdown Browser to
Select the "Settings" option
An image showing the user selecting the down arrow next to a quiz, and selecting the "Settings" option
Select the "Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam" option for "LockDown Browser Settings"
An image showing the user selecting "Require Respondus LockDown Broser for this Exam"
Select the "Require Respondus Monitor (automated proctoring) for this exam" option for "Proctoring"
An Image showing the user selecting "Require Respondus Monitor" for their quiz.
Review the settings for both the "LockDown Browser Settings" and the "Proctoring"
Click on the "Save + Close" button
An Image showing the user selecting the "Save + Close" button to complete the setup.


Article ID: 668
Wed 8/10/22 7:00 PM
Thu 8/11/22 1:15 PM