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Virtual Desktop - VDI students frequently asked questions (FAQ) and troubleshooting guide for help using your VDI workspace.
Instructions for Students on how to configure their mobile devices to use SMS for Multi-factor Authentication (MFA).
ADOBE PHOTOSHOP is TCCD’s licensed graphics application. Article lists requirements and installation instructions. Administrator account should NOT be needed for install.
ADOBE ACROBAT DC is TCCD’s licensed PDF application. Article lists requirements and installation instructions. Administrator account should NOT be needed for install.
Student Checkout and damaged device procedure.
This article is to assist when updating a Students log in from a account to an Likely you will get the request to change the email in the SIS files so that they can access Canvas and the courses they are taking as students. The change of email will need to be confirmed on Colleague NAE screen. Thereafter if the student chooses to have the Gmail emails forwarded to the SW account in Outlook. These are the steps they will need to take.
Higher One Card selection Criteria - defines who will receive a Higher One card.