MS Teams Voice: Create an Emergency Speed Dial Number

Guide Topic

As we migrate to Teams Voice, there are very valid concerns about being able to dial the emergency assistance extension 5-8911. Microsoft Teams does not use the extension dialing as it complies with the E164 guidelines, which require 10-digit dialing. To make a speed dial for this extension, you can create an Emergency Services or Assistance number in Microsoft Teams Voice by doing the following.

From inside Microsoft Teams Voice

  1. Select the + sign to create a speed dial entry. 

  2. Type in the name of the speed dial entry that you want (i.e., Emergency Assistance). 

  3. Add the description of the entry into the First Name area (Emergency Assistance). 

  4. Fill in the appropriate data in the fields: 

    1. Phone - (8155158911). 

    2. Company – TCCD Dispatch Center.

  5. Select the “Save” button when completed.


  1. The new entry will show up in your Speed Dial area. 

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Article ID: 849
Wed 3/27/24 2:52 PM
Wed 3/27/24 2:52 PM