Team Dynamix Statuses

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Team Dynamix Statuses

Team Dynamix has a number of statuses that mean different things. This article includes the list of the statuses and what they are for. 

To stop the SLA timer, the customer/requestor needs to be contacted through the ticket and the status set to something other than new. 


New- Default state of all new cases.  

Assigned- An owner has been found for the case and the customer has been contacted. 

In Process- Work is actively being done on the case. Also used in Change management for when a change is due to take place. 

Resolved- Ticket is believed to be complete, but we have not yet got confirmation from the customer/Requestor. Will default to closed in 3 days. 

Closed- Ticket is confirmed resolved or has no response 3 days after being resolved.  

Cancelled- Requestor has withdrawn the ticket. 

On Hold- This ticket is being held due to a long-term delay. The delay could be part-related, or de-prioritization. This should require supervisor approval. These should be reviewed weekly.  

Pending- a status used in the change management workflow. This is the status when awaiting approval. 

Scheduled – This is a status for CSS and VSS to use for events that are scheduled but are not set to happen until a later date.  




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Article ID: 822
Mon 12/11/23 2:16 PM
Wed 12/13/23 10:26 AM