How to connect to "TCCD" Wi-Fi with Android

How to connect to “TCCD” Wi-Fi with Android

Steps to Connect:

Step 1: Open the Wi-Fi Settings:

  1. Unlock your Android device and go to the Home screen.
  2. Swipe down from the top of the screen or navigate to your device's "Settings" app.
  3. In the Settings, find and select the "Wi-Fi" option.

Step 2: Select the "TCCD" Network:

  1. In the Wi-Fi settings, ensure that Wi-Fi is turned on.
  2. A list of available Wi-Fi networks will appear. Select the "TCCD" network.

Step 3: Entering Your Credentials and Network Configuration

  1. Enter Your TCC Credentials: When prompted, input your TCC email username and password. If your email address ends with “”, use that as your username; if it ends with “”, use the latter.
  2. Network Configuration: Some Android versions may request additional configuration options. If prompted, follow these settings:
    • EAP Method: PEAP (this may be the default option).
    • Phase 2 Authentication: MSCHAPV2
    • CA Certificate and User Certificate: Leave these fields blank, unless it's required, in which case, use the "Use System Certificate" option and select "Do Not Verify."
    • Domain: TCCD.EDU
    • Minimum TLS Version: 1.2
  3. Proceed to connect.

Step 5: Connection Status:

  1. After a few moments, your Android device should connect to the "TCCD" network successfully.
  2. You'll see the "Connected" status next to the "TCCD" network name in the Wi-Fi settings.


  • Double-check your username and password.
  • Use the option in your device’s Wi-Fi settings to “Forget” the TCCD network.
  • Verify that the additional options in the TCCD Wi-Fi settings are configured per these instructions.
  • If you continue to experience difficulties, reach out to the Help Desk at (817) 515-8324


Article ID: 820
Wed 12/6/23 10:28 AM
Wed 12/6/23 10:28 AM