Procedure to Manually Upgrade code on Cisco Nexus 9k in ACI mode via USB

Guide Topic

Procedure to Manually Upgrade code on Cisco Nexus 9k in ACI mode via USB

Instructions, Steps, or Information

Copy the code onto the USB and insert the USB in the USB slot on the switch as shown below:



Console into the switch and run the below commands:

         1.  Copying and verifying the image                                                                                                                                                                                                       

          (none)# cd /usb/usb2/

          (none)# cp aci-n9000-dk9.13.2.1l.bin/bootflash/                  This copies the image from USB to bootflash

          (none)# cd /bootflash/

          (none)# md5sum aci-n9000-dk9.13.2.1l.bin                        Verify that the output matches the check sum from your download location.

      2. Changing the bootvar and reloading the switch

          (none)# aci-n9000-dk9.13.2.1l.bin           Changes the boot image

          (none)# cat /mnt/cfg/0/boot/grub/menu.lst.local                  Verify that boot image has changed

      3. Verify that the bootvar has changed

          (none)# /usr/sbin/                          This Power cycles the switch

          Note: The "/usr/sbin/” resets power (like removing Power cables) where a reload is simply a software restart.

      4. Verify the switch loaded the right image after reload:

          (none)# show version image


Article ID: 552
Thu 6/23/22 3:50 PM
Mon 6/27/22 2:38 PM