Make a Switch an Edge Device in SDA

Guide Topic

How to make a switch an Edge device in SDA.

Instructions, Steps, or Information

The reason you would make a switch an Edge device is so that computers and other network devices are seen on the network. So you do not need to do this to a distribution layer switch like the 9500s that are between the Border and Control Nodes and the Edge switches we are about to configure.

Log into DNAC

1) select Hamburger --> Provision --> Fabric

2) select TR-SDA-FABRIC

3) select the carrot next to the campus you are working in. the carrot of the ^ character, shift 6. This will show the buildings on that campus.

4) select repeat selecting the carrot until you find the building and floor you are looking for.

5) if it is not in detail view, select the three lines on the upper right

6) verify switches are there and verify readiness status is success

7) select the check box next to the switches you want to mark as Edge devices

8) select edit

     select edge node switch is turned on, blue

     select add

device role should now have a blue circle with an E in the middle

9) select save

     select now

     select apply


You have now completed making a switch an Edge device.




Article ID: 520
Wed 6/22/22 9:37 AM
Wed 7/13/22 2:38 PM