Telecom Frequently Asked Questions for Returning to Work


Will my desk phone be at my desk when I return?


Yes, all desk phones were unchanged since the depart from campus. For anyone relocating from the MOC building, we are working with the facilities group to make sure that everything is ready when you get to the Trinity Campus.

For all other moves, please submit a service request as you have in the past and we will work with you.


If I did not have a desk phone prior to leaving, will I get one?


If you did not have a phone prior to leaving and have been using Jabber and Teams for your communications, please continue to use those applications. If you feel that you need a physical phone, please open a Service Request. Keep in mind that we may ask your supervisor to approve such requests.


What should I do if my desk phone is not working?


There should be a blue network cable plugged into the back/bottom of the desk phone. Try unplugging, wait a couple of seconds, and plugging it back in. If it does not come up, please open a Service Request


What if my desk phone number is not correct?


It would be unusual for that to happen, however, if it does, please open a Service Request and one of our technicians will work with you to make the corrections.


If I no longer need my desk phone, what should I do?


If you no longer need the physical phone and will enjoy the additional desk space that the phone was taking up, please open a Service Request to have the device removed.


Will my Jabber softphone still work on campus?


Yes, Jabber softphones will function the same and, most likely, perform even better.


If I was given a Jabber softphone while being off campus, what will happen to it?


Users will continue to use their Jabber softphones as they were being used off campus. To that extent, if you are comfortable using Jabber, there is no need for you to have a physical desk phone. You can open a Service Request and we will be glad to remove the physical phone from your desk.


If I no longer need my Jabber softphone, what should I do?


Jabber is an application just like Word, Excel, or any other application. It can be turned off and not used. In the event of a future issue (weather, pandemic, travel, etc.) Jabber can once again be turned on for remote work use.


What if my Jabber softphone number does not match my desk phone number?


That could happen and would be a rare incident, however, we would ask that you please open a Service Request so that we can make sure they do match.


What if I forgot my voice mailbox pin?


Please open a Service Request and the pin can be reset to default for you. Once reset, you will be able to change it to a new pin that only you will know.


If I have additional questions about Telecom features, who do I contact?


Please open a Service Request with your questions and one of our technicians will call you to answer them.

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Article ID: 20
Thu 7/29/21 9:00 AM
Mon 2/21/22 11:02 AM

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