What is this service?
This service is to request access to cost centers for creating requisitions or running budget reports.
Who is this service available to?
Faculty and Staff
Information needed to complete your request:
- Employee's Colleague User ID with GL Access
- Employee's Title
- Employees Supervisor's approval for new access
- GL/Cost Center(s) ##-##-####-######
If the employee does not yet have GL Access - New to TCC Employees or Employees with new duties requiring GL Access. The process for an employee gaining access to Colleague and General Ledger is as follows:
- Employee attends Introduction to TCC's Admin System & General Ledger 101 training through the TCC LearnCenter.
- A completion report is sent to HR on a regular basis to initiate the next step in the process.
- Upon completion of training, HR submits a request to the IT department concerning appropriate Colleague Access.
- Once the new Colleague User ID is created, IT notifies Human Resources, Finance and Employee.
- Once the account is created, the employee will receive their Colleague credentials from Bestt.ID@tccd.edu
- Supervisor & Employee can then notify Finance of GL Access needs using Request for General Ledger Access form
OED@tccd.edu is happy to provide any additional information or assistance with these trainings.