Create Naming Conventions


How to create standardized, easy to remember, and descriptive naming conventions. 


To create a standardized naming convention for files in your department, use some combination of:

  • Abbreviation for division
  • Abbreviation for department
  • Department work team
  • The subject of document
  • Subcategory of the general subject
  • Date created
  • Author or creator 

Some of these may not be needed for every document, while other documents may need additional or different fields.

The example below shows how the Learning Commons Concierge Work Team's process for referring students was named.

Division Name → Learning Commons → LC
Department/Work Team → Concierge → Concierge
Subject → Process → Process
Subcategory → Referral → Referral
Date → June 23, 2021 → 062321
Author → Jane Smith → JSmith


Keep it simple: Keep names as short but meaningful as possible. Users typically have little patience for steps that impede their workflow. Keep things clear but concise.

No need to repeat: Avoid unnecessary repetition of information in your filing system. Redundant detail only increases the length of file names and file paths.

Limitations on abbreviations: You may opt to use abbreviations or acronyms in the interest of brevity but be aware that a long list of abbreviations can be difficult to track as even items in common use today are likely to change and be forgotten over time.

Keep file path names brief: Keep your total file path string under the limit of 200 characters, otherwise your computer could have difficulty saving your files. See our Reducing Filename Character Count article for tips.

Do not use special characters: Avoid adding other special characters (percent signs, commas, ampersands, asterisks), not only will your computer possibly reject the file name, because they may be used in operating systems to perform certain tasks. Additionally, do not use letter case to identify different files (ex: datasetA.txt vs dataseta.txt).

Rename records as needed: Documents received from outside your organization will not be aligned with your naming conventions. Rename these files, as needed, at the time they are saved into the file system. This reiterates the importance of striking the right balance between file naming and well-designed folders.

Sort it: You can choose to have your computer sort your files and folders by name, date, type, etc. but sometimes relying on document metadata is not enough. Here are some ways to organize your records without relying on built-in options.

Chronologically, begin the file/folder name with the date using the International Year-Month-Day format (i.e., YYYY-MM-DD, YYYY-MM, YYYY-YYYY). For example:

  • 2018-03-04 Project Outline
  • 2018-03-25 Project Data
  • 2019-02-01 Project Goals
  • 2020-02-03 Final Results

Non-alphabetical order, place numbers before the name to sort numerically and appear in your preferred order -for example, to match the order of operations in your workflow,.

Define final: Only add "Final" to the document name after the document is approved and finalized. Earlier versions are "drafts" or "proposals" and should be deleted once the document is finalized.

Strike a balance: There is a natural balance that falls somewhere between depending on folder structure design and relying on file naming to find and access records.

  • Do you have too many files (or too many types of files) in one folder, and you are finding it difficult to locate what you need? You may need to create additional subfolders.
  • Conversely, are you drilling down through layers of subfolders to get to only one file? Perhaps you should consolidate some of those subfolders and use a file naming pattern to find what you are looking for (such as naming files by last name or year).

Folders are for organization: In general, folder structures are the stronger and more foolproof method of organizing files while naming conventions typically require more effort maintain. It may take time and use to find the appropriate balance. The right answer may change over time as you create more, or fewer records of a given type.

Consistency is key: To accomplish this, document your plan in a Read Me file and communicate it (repeatedly) so that everyone in the office can find what they are looking for and save future files in the same way. Include these practices as part of your onboarding of new employees to ensure shared understanding and improve business continuity.

Searchable content: By default, when searching across Windows Shared Drive Folders, only the title of files or folders will appear in search results. This is why file and folder naming conventions can be so imperative. However, if you want to enhance your search capabilities, Recognizing Text in using Adobe Acrobat Pro and changing the Windows Search Options will allow users to search not only for the title of a document, but also within the contents of the file.

Content Reference: Recommendations on File/Folder Naming Conventions | Records Management Services ( (opens external page)

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