WebEx: E911 Location


How to update your emergency location address in the WebEx application.


Guide Topic

How to update your emergency location address in the WebEx application.


Once you login, there will be a pop-up "Emergency Calling Notification". Click OK

For the second pop-up, "Address required for emergency 911 service". Click Add address

You will input your E911 location information -- Please fill it out this form carefully as this is important if you ever call emergency services from your device so they can locate you. Please see example below, number 7 is the most important, please be sure to follow the naming convention carefully.

  1.  Address Nickname: "[Campus Code] - Work" 
  2. Country: United States of America
  3. Address: "[Your Campus' Address]"
  4. City: "[Your Campus' City]" 
  5. State/Province: Texas
  6. Zip Code: "[Your Campus' Zip Code]"
  7. For emergency responders, describe where you are in the building (e.g. floor, corner, landmark): "[Your Campus, Building, and Floor]" 

Example of an E911 form filled out

  • You may add multiple addresses. When you are logged in go to Settings Calling  > E911 Service Edit address
    • The same form will pop up filled in, be sure to click Clear address. If you do not it will save over the currently displayed, not add a new



Article ID: 967
Wed 1/8/25 11:44 AM
Wed 1/8/25 3:21 PM